How AirSmart is improving compressed-air systems?
Production continuity by:
pressure stabilization.
emergency compressed air supply.
Better quality compressed air.
Eliminating sudden pressure drops.
Energy savings by:
Reducing working pressure to the minimum required by consumers.
@7 bar reducing 1 bar = 7% of compressor consumption
Reducing air leakages by reducing air pressure.
@7 bar reducing 1 bar = 12% less leakages.
Reducing pressure drop on dryers & filters, because of stable flow and significantly reduce the peaks through the components.
Compressors operate mostly around its best efficiency point.
Reduce idle(unload) time , reduce starts/stops, centrifugal and reciprocating compressors works mostly @ 100% flow even when the consumers flow fluctuates.
Compressed air equipment CapEx & OpEx savings:
Compressor & dryer longevity.
Reducing the number of compressors in operation.
Reduce the need to purchase compressors.
Reduce compressors, dryers and filters size.
Reduce equipment running hours.
Increase equipment redundancy.
Reduce equipment footprint.